Friday, January 4, 2013

And then there was Friday.....

Here I sit on a Friday evening, in my room, all by myself but for the company of my westie and yorkie.  My babysitting day is over, daughter is home and she has a good friend over.  I decided that I needed a break from the action so brought my laptop to my room so I could get in a line or 2 without being interrupted by the happy hands of an 11 month old.  It's nice just to relax here, but I'm well aware of the fact that I'll be doing it all again tomorrow.
It's been absolutely gorgeous weather right here in river city for the last part of this week....sunny, blue skies, a little windy, but otherwise, gorgeous.  It's jacket weather now instead of the coats everyone was wearing at the beginning of the week.  Nice to be able to look outside and see the sun rather than the grey skies.  My feet were actually getting cold, and trust me, I don't get cold!  Seems as if this global warming is starting to take its toll weather-wise.
My son has been using my car for the last few days so I've been kinda stuck in the house...not that I drive around all that much, but just knowing that I CAN'T makes all the difference!
Well, not much to say apparently so I'm gonna go back to trying to play a game over on FB....or maybe I'll fiddle around with my kindle...razza frazza won't play blue-ray's I put up in the "cloud" because I went to vudu (where the blue-ray instructions told me to go!) and just found out today that they aren't connected through android (which is what the kindle fire is).  I uploaded 2 movies I bought to it and can't even see them on the tablet...grrrr!  Learning new things each and every day...some not so much fun as others though!


  1. Modern technology is a bit challenging to those of us that didn't grow up with it, huh?
    Gosh, it's been so long since we've really talked, where's your Boston? For that matter, I haven't seen your pack for a long, long time!

    1. Both Rukkus and Korky are still hanging in there Cindy...I'm surprised Korky is still around...he's the "old man" of the pack!
